
Bananas such a versatile fruit that they can be used for making drinks, sweet treats and snacks that your kids will find delicious to eat and fun to make with you. incorporating healthy ingredients into chocolate-based snacks so they get...
Most adults can make it through the day without eating a snack. However, kids are a bit different. They need Why is that? The problem is that most children won’t attain all the nutrients they need with their breakfast, lunch and...

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Foods Your Baby Does Not Need To Eat… Just Yet

When your baby grows, his/her curiosity is going to also grow. And, one curiosity they’ll have will be the food on your plate. Now,...

The Best Healthy Snacks For Kids At School

School going children need to eat regular meals so that they can concentrate well in school and also be energized throughout the whole day. Healthy...

4 Healthy Chocolate Based Snacks For Your Child

Once in a while, it is good to let the kids indulge in some chocolate but you can do this in a healthy way...

7 Creative Healthy Snacks That Your Kids Will Love

Getting your child to eat fruits and vegetables, especially, is not the best and easiest job in the world; therefore, you might need to...

Halloween Jack-o-lantern cookies

It's Halloween ! It's time for some cookies. This year i choose to make a Jack-o-lantern cookies for my kids, and they love them....