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7 Creative Snacks That Your Kids Will Love

7 Creative Healthy Snacks That Your Kids Will Love

Getting your child to eat fruits and vegetables, especially, is not the best and easiest job in the world; therefore, you might need to...
Birthday Snacks For School

9 Great Healthy Birthday Snacks For School

When it’s your kid’s birthday, they may want to take some snacks to share with their friends at school commemorating this. You don’t want...
14 Tips To Ensure Your Kids Will Enjoy Their Healthy Snack

14 Tips To Ensure Kids Will Enjoy Their Healthy Snack

Most adults can make it through the day without eating a snack. However, kids are a bit different. They need Why is that? The problem is...
Baked Apple chips

Baked Apple Chips : The Healthier Alternative To Potato Chips

This is a healthier alternative to potato chips that packs the same crunch but with less calories and fat. You will need : 2 apples ...
Frozen yogurt banana cups

Frozen Yogurt Banana Cups

How to use the almighty banana to make a healthy snack for your kids ? All you need is : 3 Whole bananas 2 Teaspoons...