Authors Posts by Happy Mom

Happy Mom


14 Tips To Ensure Kids Will Enjoy Their Healthy Snack

Most adults can make it through the day without eating a snack. However, kids are a bit different. They need Why is that? The problem is...

Peanut-Free Snacks For School

While your child is at school, he mostly take snacks during break time or even after school. The parents either pack the snacks or...

5 Banana Based Healthy Snacks

Bananas such a versatile fruit that they can be used for making drinks, sweet treats and snacks that your kids will find delicious to...

2 Apple Based Healthy Snacks For Kids

Apples are a rich source of vitamin C and fiber so you can be sure that incorporating them into your child’s diet will be...

How To Make Healthy Snacks For Kids Using Chocolate

Chocolate is one sweet treat that the kids definitely love. However, if you are giving it to them it is important to make sure...

Great Tips To Help You Choose Your Child’s Next Healthy Party...

Do you dread sending healthy party snacks to your child’s school? Gone are the days where you can send cookies, cakes and brownies to...

9 Great Healthy Birthday Snacks For School

When it’s your kid’s birthday, they may want to take some snacks to share with their friends at school commemorating this. You don’t want...

Easy Snacks To Prepare For Kids On The Go

Children have high energy requirements and as such, they need snacks in between meals to keep up with these requirements. Snacks play a big...

2 Great Banana Healthy Snacks Recipes For Your Kids

How to Use The Almighty Banana To Make Healthy Snacks For Your Kids ? If you are looking for a fruit that can be incorporated...

4 Healthy Chocolate Based Snacks For Your Child

Once in a while, it is good to let the kids indulge in some chocolate but you can do this in a healthy way...