Authors Posts by Happy Mom

Happy Mom


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Apple nut poppers

Apple Nut Poppers

This is a whole new spin on the caramel apple that is not only a healthy snack for kids but fun to make. You...
Watermelon Fruit Pizza

5 Banana Based Healthy Snacks

Bananas such a versatile fruit that they can be used for making drinks, sweet treats and snacks that your kids will find delicious to...
Frozen chocolate covered bananas

How To Make Healthy Snacks For Kids Using Chocolate

Chocolate is one sweet treat that the kids definitely love. However, if you are giving it to them it is important to make sure...
9 Potential Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids

4 Potential Healthy Snack Ideas For Your Child

Are you having a hard time coming up with some healthy snack ideas for your child? If so, then consider the following healthy foods...
7 Creative Snacks That Your Kids Will Love

7 Creative Healthy Snacks That Your Kids Will Love

Getting your child to eat fruits and vegetables, especially, is not the best and easiest job in the world; therefore, you might need to...